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Why are we doing this, anyway?

"My idea's too insignificant to make a difference, and it's probably wrong anyway. Or someone else has already thought of it or..."

But what if it isn't and they haven't? Wouldn't you like to see it happen and maybe get the credit, even in a small way?

One thing's for sure: if you don't tell anyone, you definitely won't.

Just to be clear, putting something on this website won't guarantee fame or fortune or, well, anything really, but it might increase human know-how just a little and the chance that you get recognised for it just a tiny bit too.

But, here's why we think this could really be worth it: loads of people have ideas but don't have the time or don't want to follow them up, and loads of other people want to make something or do something but need some ideas to get them started. If we can get the ideas out of one head and into another then useful, cool or even amazing things might happen. 

Here are some principles that we're going to apply:

  • No fees. 

  • That means no royalties, or comeback if someone else makes money out of your idea, though it would be nice if they gave you a mention if they did. So, we would like to put your name next to your idea, but we won't tell anyone your contact details. That's up to you.

  • All ideas are valid, except those that we think are designed to cause harm, of any sort.

  • Because of that, we decide what gets on to the site.

  • We think sharing as much detail about your idea as possible is best, but that's up to you too.

Stuff you can't do without some help

Ideas big enough to change the world

Everything has a beginning - and potential.  

If only someone would invent a ...

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